Bring it on!!!!
1. Coby was able to go to his school's Chanukah party without us having to do any research into which caterer was being used or where those donuts were coming from. Booya!!!
2. For the first time ever we were able to attend our shul's Friday night Chanukah dinner. Booya!!!
4. More Chanukah celebrations with absolutely no concern about where the food came from... and yes that is another donut he is holding in his hand.
5. "May Contain Nuts" Chanukah gelt!!! I actually had a 'nightmare' that the only gelt I could find was the "Nut free" types and I was soooo upset about that and was stomping up and down those aisles trying to track down a 'may contain peanuts' version.
Thankfully in real life I did.
The irony....
Though I did have to bribe my chocolate hating child to taste one....
But guess what----
he loved it!!!!
It's a Chanukah miracle!!!
6. Going into our local store and being able to buy whatever treats I wanted. Gelt of all types--- including white chocolate that I know he will like. Donuts. And candy-filled dreidels. Booya! (I actually had to restrain myself from buying even more!)
7. On the last night of Chanukah, the grand finale... we presented Coby with a Ghiradelli gift-card.
January 2017 |
It took a few moments, but soon Coby realized what that gift-card meant!
(The 2 minute reveal video exceeds the limit to include in a blog post :(, but it is soooo cute- feel free to watch it on my fb page.)
And so Chanukah ended on a high... but just because the holiday ended, it does not mean that the OIT rewards have ended. It is a gift that just keeps on giving.
This week he will be able to COMPLETELY be a part of his cousin's wedding too.
The last wedding he went to, thank G-d the food was safe enough for him to be around, but not safe enough to eat. We had to bring his own food in a thermos. This time--- no thermos food for him! Booya!
This past weekend Coby he was able to go to his cousin's aufruf. It was a pot-luck weekend and this was his first time ever he was able to partake in a pot-luck type event. He had such a blast. All other weekends like that in the past he and I had to stay home. This time he able to go, eat whatever he wanted and really be a part of a family celebration with everybody else. My heart was beaming for him.
Obviously my sister in law could not sleep over 40 people in her home, so while dinner and lunch were in her home we slept at one of her friend's house. Ironically enough, the cereal that the people whose home we were staying at left out for us for breakfast---- was peanut butter cereal. Coby wanted none of that- but I had to smile at the irony of it all.
Oh and speaking about peanut butter, after Coby's last reaction to that full dose of peanut butter, our doctor told us that for whatever reason some people just have these reactions to peanut butter despite being in maintenance. As long as Coby does not want to freely eat peanut butter we should NOT give him the full dose of peanut butter, but keep it at the level his body can tolerate (2 tsp vs. 2 and a half) and keep giving it to him every 2-3 weeks to keep his body somewhat used to that form. If the time comes where Coby were to want to begin eating peanut butter freely, then we'd figure things out then and build him back up. It's so weird to me because he is able to free eat all other forms of anything... but peanut butter is still giving us a run for our money.
But all in all the last couple of weeks have been OIT reward one after the other.
Next up----
the wedding
Disney and that Ghiradelli milk-shake
and.... PURIM!!!!
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