Sunday, October 23, 2016


Today was our 6th annual FARE allergy walk. These walks take place all over the country where they raise millions of dollars to promote awareness and raise funds to find that cure. Every other year we were able to participate in Ridgewood's walk, a 5 minute drive away from here. But this year Ridgewood had their walk on Shabbos so we couldn't go to our local one. (And it ended up pouring on their walk- karma? ;)

Coby still really wanted to do his walk, so despite it being all the way at the Jersey shore AND on Erev Yom Tov we trekked down. It was a gam zu letova that we had to drive down- because

1. no rain!

2. couldn't ask for nicer scenery which included blue skies, the beach, palm trees

AND a whale that put on a show for us
glimpse of whale's tail going back down

3. Coby got to meet his food allergy idol- Kyle Dine the singer of his food allergy CD that he's been singing along to for years!

Kyle even called him, 'my biggest fan', gave him a special guitar pick and had him perform with him his FOOD ALLERGY ROCKS song! Here's a small clip of his 'shaking solo'. 

It was a bit chilly and windy but a nice morning despite the stupid early wake up call & long drive over on Erev Yom Tov. But it was nice to have an outing where no preparation work was necessary knowing Coby would be safe there. The treats they gave out were safe. And for him to feel like 'one of a community' where it was 'cool to have food allergies' and be included instead of feeling excluded.
The morning began with registration, getting our shirts, checking out the booths (It was so interesting that the first time ever there were no MYLAN (epipen) booths. Since Mylan hiked their price up to over 700.00 a set even though it costs about 2.00 to make FARE 'broke up' with those greedy money grubbing snakes. Yay FARE!!!! (People are actually having to choose whether to feed their families for a month or to buy their child's life saving medication) This CEO is stuffing her pockets with billions and billions of dollars not giving a damn that for people who can't afford it, she is risking the life of their child! So standing ovation to FARE & all the other organizations and famous people who broke ties with Mylan sponsorships and being their spokespeople.), hearing the announcements and hopes for the futureThroughout the area were the signs about food allergies:

This was followed by the walk itself                           and then the Kyle Dine concert

Coby asked us just the other day, "If I'm 'cured' will we still do my allergy walks?" We don't know the answer to that, but in case this was our last walk (if OIT works) we are so grateful to all who donated to support our cause in order for us to reach (and surpass) our goal!

With just 8 days to go before probably my scariest journey as a parent it's nice to know there are friends and family who care about us and will be cheering us on our way.

(and oh crap Yom Tov is just 2 hours away maybe I should cook something!)

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