On Sunday we visited Mikey at camp.
We spent several hours with Mikey, including taking him on that necessary Walmart outing. We also got ice-cream there, because why not? (hee hee, it's so cool to say that!)
Since we had known we wouldn't be getting home within the 26 hour dosing window, we brought Coby's dose with us. I figured I could dose him in the air conditioned car and his two hour rest period would be easy, since he was stuck in his booster seat.
I was wrong. (ish).
He tossed by the 8 peanuts and followed that with half a water bottle and a pouch of apple-sauce. A half hour later we stopped off in Monticello to get (safe) pizza. For a brief 2 seconds Coby forgot he had just dosed, jumped up from his seat and ran to Yitz who was at the counter. I shouted "DONT RUN COBY!", but it was too late. He already did. But it was literally just 2 seconds.
A few moments later a small hive appeared on his cheek.
Crap! I didn't even think to bring his steroids with him, just the benadryl and his epipen. (lesson learned)
Could a 2 second run really have done that?
We walked back to the car and I decided to stay in the backseat for the duration (2 hours) of the ride home so I can stare at Coby. Soon he started wiping at his nose too and my heart started pounding a bit faster. Thankfully nothing progressed beyond that and so we did nothing to treat it.
The following day we emailed the above picture to his doctor to get her take on it.
"Yeah that's a hive, but I'm not at all concerned. He was outside for several hours that day. He's no longer on one of his allergy medications. He did do a brief run. For all that, that hive is inconsequential."
Two nights later Coby was leaving on his camp overnight.
They go to CLUB GETAWAY which is an amazing place. They have sports, and wall climbing and rope courses and ziplining, and trampolines on the lake and swimming and speed-boating, lots of food and a campfire. Of course we were not going to attempt to have some teenager dose him and then force Coby to stay inside and sit still for a few hours and miss all the fun. Our doctor told us it would be okay to skip his dose that one night (as a once in a blue moon thing to do) and jump right back up to 8 the following evening.
"Are you sure? Jump right back up to 8? Shouldn't we build back up to 8?"
"It's just the one day. He'll be fine."
Um. Okaaaaaay.....
When I picked Coby up the following afternoon he told me that he had had a blast. (And thanks to OIT I was barely worried about him having a reaction to something there that may have been cross contaminated... Last year I was a hot mess despite the supposed 'safety' of the food.)
Thankfully he did pretty okay. He developed one small hive a couple of inches beneath his eye but nothing beyond that! Since the doctor wasn't concerned about the prior one, I was going to try and not be concerned about this one.
After three hours with nothing progressing beyond that tiny hive, I allowed myself to exhale (mostly). And you know what- to go from zero back to eight with just a tiny hive is nothing short of a miracle.
And today is my boy's hebrew birthday. While he is still eight on the english calendar, he is 'teisha' on the hebrew calendar.
At first I was upset when his doctor told me that since he would be missing a dose this week she was not comfortable in up-dosing him from the 8 to 10 peanuts as originally planned and would only be going up to 9. However after seeing that he did end up having a tiny symptom just last night I agree that jumping up to 10 today very well could be too much to handle.
And besides how cool is it that he's hitting hitting teisha peanuts on the same exact day as he is turning tesiha. It must be bashert.
Yom huledet Sameach my love. Happy Tesha!
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