Thursday, December 29, 2016


Truth be told I've been rounding down....

In reality there is anywhere between 250 and 300 mg per peanut... so I've been using the LOWER fraction for my own sanity.  I've been using the 300mg number so I can say Coby's doses are the LEAST possible.

Using the number 300mg it would mean Coby would be getting 1/120th of a peanut today.
But using the 250mg number it would mean Coby is getting the actual feared number of 1/100th peanut today (though the true number may lie somewhere in the middle)

(if you don't know why it is such a feared number it is explained in last night's post)

Coby may actually be ingesting the actual number I have been fearing all these years.

PLEASE think good thoughts! (Especially from 4:30 and on.)

And for another 'truth be told'- each Thursday afternoon when I pack up to go to his appointment, I pack the 'reaction' journal, his carbs and applesauce, his peanut solution, epipens and our phones. (Coby has my old android for games.) I also pack his phone wire and plug.

In reality, since the phone is charged to 100% before leaving it does not need the plug for the 2 and a half or 3 hours we are gone.

But I am too scared NOT to pack the wire. 

I use it as my insurance. I tell myself that as long as I pack the wire all will be okay- but if I choose not to pack the wire ASSUMING he won't need the wire, then Murphy's law will get me good.

Meaning what Stacey?

 If C"V Coby were to have a bad reaction from his updose, we would end up being there an additional six hours (at the least) meaning the wire WOULD have been needed in that case. So if I try to be a hotshot and assume we don't need the wire, "something" would happen to make us end up needing that damn wire.

See how my lovely messed up mind works? ;)

But you do what you gotta do to move forward as you attempt to change your mind-set and change the "WHAT IFS"

"The 'WHAT IF' that trumps all the other 'WHAT IFS'."

1/120th a peanut or 1/100th a peanut? Today is HUGE for us. 

But sending some good thoughts our way at the time of ingestion couldn't hurt....

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